Reflections on Sisterhood by Erin Harrison
The rivers of tears we have all shed.
Tears of every flavor, every color- tears of joy, of ecstasy, torment, grief, shame, loss, exhaustion, pleasure, and overwhelm.
Our tears are like seaweed of every color, every texture, both pillow like in welcome and stinging in warning. We sisters swim among one another's tears. We wade into the waters of each other's journey- buoyed by one another's tears.
I see you- sister, mother, daughter, friend. There is no fear here. What I am feeling has been felt. Has been survived before me.
As I dance through these psychedelic waves being kissed, caressed, and stung, I feel our collective sisterhood of emotion and experience.
I am seen. I am held. I am loved. I am whole.
By Erin Harrison